Repair/upgrade of a multi-band Dept. of Energy Microwave Radiometer (DoER) 22.n / 36.5 / 89 GHz instrument for Goddard Space Flight Center
Pictured here is a repair/upgrade of a multi-band Dept. of Energy Microwave Radiometer (DOER) 22.n / 36.5 / 89 GHz instrument we performed for Goddard Space Flight Center
Quality: Excellent
Comments: The quality of technical work performed was outstanding and deserves a ++ rating.
Cost Control Excellent
Comments: There were no issues and deserves a 4 rating.
Timeliness of Performance Excellent
Comments: The timeliness of the technical work was outstanding and completed all work assignments within projected schedule. This deserves a + + rating.
Business Relations Excellent
Comments: Response to all inquires, technical services and administrative issues were effective and responsive and deserves a 4 rating.
Customer Satisfaction Excellent
Comments: Without the outstanding expertise, attitude and enthusiasm we would not have met all scientific goals within cost and schedule. This rating is 4.